Looks like this letter might be redundant as I see a survey shows that most residents do not favor a change in renaming the Speedway. However, it does call into question the sensibilities of the …
The City has proposed the zoning of Hawthorne Hall (the old Boys and Girls Club) at 1134 Second St. be changed from residential single family to commercial mixed use. Our community has made clear …
Regarding racism in America, it’s my opinion that it has to be officially acknowledged as having existed, with all the ugliness and warts it has. One thing that I hear from some White Americans …
(In reference to the April 3 View From Here column, “Learning to be colorblind”) Race is such a multilayered factor. Self-segregation is a natural occurrence and not the problem. …
What a fabulous turnout of volunteering on Saturday, April 20, in the Mukilteo Community Garden! We had members of the Kiwanis Club of Mukilteo, Key Club members from Kamiak and Mariner High Schools, …
Just got around to reading what you said about learning to be colorblind. I can relate. I’m 75 and was raised mainly in La Habra, California, where I saw lots of Mexican kids in high school, …
Re: “Learning to be colorblind” (April 10 in the Mukilteo Beacon, April 11 in the Edmonds Beacon) by Paul Archipley: I think Paul needs a new alarm clock, as he seems to have overslept by …
To Andy Galuska, the City Council, and the Planning Commission: How tragic to see the City resorting to the destruction of the quaint small-town feel of Mukilteo. I lived in Mukilteo for over 38 …
I am a 30-year-plus resident of Old Town-Mukilteo just like Renee Ripley (Letter to the Editor, March 27). I have an opinion regarding Washington state’s new law on housing density. Ripley …
To Andy Galuska, the City Council, and the Planning Commission: As the representatives of Mukilteo, you must listen to the citizens who have told you we do not want our city to be zoned …
My husband and I are retired and we walk daily in our neighborhood of Harbour Pointe. We have lived here 31 years and are astonished at how dangerous it is for us to cross the street at four-way stop …
It was interesting to read articles in the past two Mukilteo Beacon newspapers about how our politicians and our citizens are being confronted with, and responding to, efforts by the Washington State …
The latest edition of The Beacon Magazine is outstanding, or should I say, delectable. After being lured in by the mysterious-looking golden chanterelle on the cover, I gobbled up the …
I was very pleased to see the piece on Richard Emery in the Feb. 28 Mukilteo Beacon. My husband Phil and I have known Richard, and his wife, Liza Patchen-Short, since they all served on the …
I have been following the story of unnecessary staff and student illnesses and educational distractions at Fairmount Elementary (in Everett) in the Mukilteo School District for some time now.
Per the Jan. 31 Seattle Times article “Gravel yard warns Snohomish County school to stop speaking out – or else,” a non-permitted mining company/gravel yard is making so much noise …
Thanks to David Cook for his Dec. 13 letter (bit.ly/41tYBGr) regarding parking in Old Town. I live on the same street in Old Town. We have a situation here on our street I don’t see on Second, …
Would you print an article that says the earth is flat? Why would you print an article that espouses that climate change is not real? In the Dec. 6 edition of The Beacon, the Off Kilter column on …
In case you hadn't noticed, Old Town is being overrun by parked cars. In the past, most on-street parking was done by residents with appropriate parking credentials. Over the last several years, …
The Dec. 2 tree lighting at Rosehill was a festive affair! However I have a comment about accessibility. I use a mobility scooter and am able to travel alone. I arrived at Rosehill about 3 p.m. …