Friday, October 11, 2024
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Off Kilter

East Coast vs. West Coast

As the subject of this column is East Coast vs. West Coast,  I thought I’d write about some of the differences in living in each of these areas. Brooklyn: The sheer crush of humanity …

These folks are absolutely insane

OK, I’m pretty sure that about half of the readers of this particular column will not agree with me, while I think the other half will. A friend was kind enough to bring me to a Seahawks …

Being parochial

No, this column is not about the Catholic Church. It is about how we often seem to zero in on our local surroundings. In my own case, being brought up in Brooklyn, New York, until I left there …

Is thriftiness part of the Northwest culture?

Having lived in both Mill Creek for eight years and now Edmonds for 10 and also having lived in New England for many more years, I got to thinking about how these two areas are alike and are …

Wildlife in Puget Sound

As it happens, we had a landscaping service at our home today. The owner, upon completion of their work, mentioned that he saw a group of orcas swimming just off the waterfront directly in front of …

Great endings

I’m certain we all have our favorite movies and television series. Both of these media types have a common thread. They tell a story, which in all cases has an ending. Let’s take a …

Species development and extermination

I was reading about the fact that 99.9% of all species that ever existed on planet Earth have become extinct. Makes one wonder what and why species go extinct. It has always impressed me about how …

Fraternity life

A t the particular undergraduate college I attended, social life on campus was pretty much relegated to joining a fraternity. Now fraternity life at this particular school (and I’ve heard …

Things I’d rather not know

It is said the information revolution, partly fueled by the internet, social media, and media in general surrounds us with information 24/7. Over the years, including before the internet (we’ve …

The freedom of living in the United States

I was thinking the other day about just how much freedom we have living in the USA. What got me thinking about this? Simple, I happened to be driving past a very large gas station – …

How much does everything weigh?

Every time I approach a large city, especially where one has a view of the entire city – rather than just a small portion of it, I always wonder how much does everything weigh? I’m …

What kind of car did you buy?

Today, with emphasis on fuel economy, many cars are now equipped with four-cylinder engines (but turbocharged.) Our family sedan is so equipped but has almost 300 horsepower – more than the …

Istanbul: The gateway to Asia

Many of you have probably not visited Istanbul. I visited once just passing through. But in that brief time I spent there, I was impressed by the city. Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey, …

Remembering 9/11

Today I’m going to write about that tragic day, Sept. 11, 2001. Now normally there would be no reason to write about a topic that has been covered ad infinitum. However, in my case, while I …

Advancement in weapons

For this week, I thought I’d write about the advancement in military weapons (which sometimes also find their way into civilian use). We all remember World War II – and that both …

Auto safety advances through the years | Off Kilter

This column will be about the tremendous advances made in auto safety – just during my lifetime. I’ll start with one day while I walked to grammar school. I came upon an accident in …

Which side of the road do we drive on?

A  bout 10 years ago, I happened to find myself driving in Fiji. Now the Fiji islands were settled by the British – so one of the things you will find there is you drive on the …

A new year: Start with forgiveness | Guest View

W hew, it’s a new year. The ink is probably still wet on your New Year’s resolutions. I have never been a big fan of resolutions. I do like to focus on a public commitment to change …

Madison Avenue | Off Kilter

When you first read the title of this column, how many of you thought of the advertising business and Madison Avenue in Manhattan? Madison Avenue has long been the catchphrase for the “ad …

This morning, I was headed out to attend my first meeting of the Mukilteo Book Club, which meets once a month at the Mukilteo Library. Unfortunately, I joined too late to actually get ahold and …

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