Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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Off Kilter

A day at the gun range | Off Kilter

I recently had the opportunity to visit a gun range and practice shooting a handgun. My particular handgun was a Sig-Sauer – considered among the best of the 9mm weapons. There is an indoor gun …

How to destroy your brain | Off Kilter

The other day, as I was browsing through the television guide, it occurred to me that watching just about any network TV show is a sure fire way to destroy your brain. I mean just look at the crap …

Big trouble in medicine | Off Kilter

I wrote a column a few weeks back – just after my surgery, about some of the problems in “big medicine.” Well, let me summarize the biggest problem with this old expression: “Hurry up and …

One man's take on the future | Off Kilter

It’s quite easy to make predictions about the future. After all, no one can prove you’re wrong if you adopt a very long-term outlook – say a couple of centuries. Nevertheless, here are one …

The meaning of folk music | Off Kilter

I’ve written about music before. This week I thought I’d look into folk music. Sometimes folk music was music transmitted orally, music with unknown composers, or music performed by custom over a …

A stay in the hospital | Off Kilter

I just completed a one-week stay in the hospital to have some surgery. I’ve been fortunate in not having to stay in a hospital for any reason. But wow have things changed. First and foremost, …

The edge of life | Off Kilter

I’ve been fortunate my entire life in not, as yet, coming down with any debilitating diseases which might put me out of commission either temporarily or permanently. However, this column breaks …

Are we alone in the universe? | Off Kilter

I’m fairly certain that just about everyone on this planet has considered this question at some point. Oh, perhaps some native tribe who has lived isolated in some jungle and has never, for …

You can't beat Mother Nature | Off Kilter

OK, it is getting to be late enough in summer so that one actually stands a chance in keeping up with the natural growth that surrounds us 24/7. What I mean is that from about mid-May until late …

The best in customer service | Off Kilter

OK, I’ll let you know upfront that the title of this column is absolutely the opposite of what I will write about. Let’s start with the idea of customer service. More and more of especially …

The beach | Off Kilter

We’ve now lived and traveled to beaches all over the world. In fact, there is a world of difference in beaches. Let’s start here in the Pacific Northwest. Even though we live near Picnic Point …

International pricing | Off Kilter

I recently purchased a new “used” car from a dealer located in Bellingham. What made this transaction particularly interesting to me was the apparent disparity in imported automobile pricing in …

1963: The death of a president

Most of you were not alive in 1963. I was a college student, an undergraduate studying engineering in upper New York state. President Kennedy had decided to take a swing through the South for a …

The size and scale of the cosmos | Off Kilter

Every once in a while, I stop and contemplate two things. First my navel. Frankly, I have not learned much by doing this. Although I do thank my lucky stars that I can actually see my navel – …

Road racing (and fuel) | Off Kilter

We are deep into the auto racing season. The very top echelon of road racing is Formula 1, also called Grand Prix. These cars are so fast it is almost impossible to imagine. Based upon current …

Boating | Off Kilter

We’re getting into boating season right about now. I’ll fess up and let all of you know that we’ve owned two small motorboats as well as a small sailboat. WARNNG – owning a boat is not for …

Retirement living | Off Kilter

I volunteer a couple of days a week at a local senior living establishment. I routinely deal with both men and women some of whom are in their late 80s and a couple well into their 90s. What is …

The beginning of personal computing | Off Kilter

Many of you have probably seen one of two movies about Steve Jobs – one called Jobs or one called Steve Jobs. In both movies, they describe Jobs’ fascination with the emerging microprocessor …

This just makes no sense | Off Kilter

I got to thinking about a bunch of things that simply don’t make any sense. So here goes. No 1: Why don’t you see the 10 Commandments in a courtroom? The reason is that would put sayings such …

What's bugging you? | Off Kilter

When something’s bugging you, it can have several meanings. First, if something is bothering you, we say “It’s bugging me.” Could be you need an oil change in your car and scheduling it – …

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