The holidays are here, and while they are often a time filled with joy and excitement, they can also be a difficult time for our canine companions. While some dogs thrive on the increased activity …
Now that the dust has settled and the stats are in: $16 billion spent on the presidential race; $4.6 billion on state elections; $182 million coming from dark money; $100 million on Washington state …
Santa’s full-time and auxiliary workers have increased substantially over the years. Most Santaologists know that too many of Santa’s holiday supporters have no clue about …
Hello, friends! When one is suffering from injustices, one might understandably reach out for some due acknowledgement and succor, and even some charity. We hear their plea and then we pretty …
Editor’s note: This is Bill Trueit’s final column for Beacon Publishing. We’ll miss his insightful work, and encourage readers to read his previous columns online. Beyond the …
Back in the 19th century, French writer Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr wrote, “Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose” — the more things change, the more they …
I’ve been fortunate enough to have traveled all over the world for my computer business. Here are a few stories about those travels. Who is the Duke of Edinburgh? I was walking down a …
At the Nov. 25 City Council special meeting, the council voted 5-2 (Councilmembers Mike Dixon and Steve Schmalz against) to adopt the biennial budget for the years 2025-2026. The adopted …
F ull disclosure: The following comes from a wizened (grizzled?) editor/reporter who has long endured in the journalism trenches. There’s a point coming to this intro, so let’s get …
December begins the season of Advent or literally “coming.” To get ready, Our Savior’s and other churches that follow a liturgical calendar change the altar coverings to blue and …
In March 2018, I wrote about theoretical physicists’ view of time relative to our Universe (Stephen Hawking’s “A Brief History of Time"). This week I decided to write about time …
Reality Check has been on hiatus for the past several months. The reality is, I came to a point in July where I felt there was nothing positive I could write about. It seemed like I was rehashing …
“ The mass of the rich and poor are differentiated by their incomes and nothing else. The average millionaire is the average dishwasher dressed in a new suit.” – George Orwell …
The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. As anxiety rises, people are …
I have way too often found many views on how and why events came into existence. This was the case as I tracked down the history behind Black Friday. Some stores open their doors two …
At the Nov. 4 regular council meeting, the council voted to close the public hearing on Mayor Joe Marine’s preliminary budget for the years 2025-2026. The mayor’s 2025-2026 budget draws …
Support the funding of SNAP to help feed the less fortunate Three cheers for the Mukilteo Food Bank working to make happy holidays for all (Feeding the community, Mukilteo Beacon, Nov. 13). This …