Sunday, February 9, 2025
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Superintendent's Corner

School board member gratitude

January is School Board Recognition Month, which we observe annually. Each year seems to get more complex for these and other elected officials as they wrestle with new challenges and more …

Public schools at risk

Did you know that ours is the only state in the union that includes the provision to provide ample funding for public schools? As stated in the Washington State Constitution, Article IX, “It …

Volunteers a win-win for students and adults

As students returned from distance learning and a variety of experiences and circumstances at home, we saw an increase in behavior issues at school. While those initial behavior trends have started …

Share your budget priorities

You might remember reading or hearing last year that Mukilteo School District had to make significant budget reductions. Our district and many other districts are still experiencing several factors …

A year and some change | Superintendent's Corner

About this time last year, the school district launched its first strategic plan in about 20 years. After over a year of gathering feedback from students, staff, families, and community members, and …

Back-to-school is always an exciting time for students, families, and staff. This fall, some students and staff are settling into newly renovated school buildings that were completed this summer. …

Some things never go out of style | Superintendent's Corner

In past columns, I’ve shared a lot of nuts and bolts about the Mukilteo School District: COVID-related updates, bond progress, the district’s Strategic Plan launch, and several entries about the …

The last couple of months, I’ve shared with you the district’s budget situation. As we’ve gathered more information about the current year’s budget needs and closer estimates of student …

Gathering budget priorities | Superintendent's Corner

Last month, I shared with you the budget challenges Mukilteo and other school districts around the state are experiencing. The district must cut $20 to $25 million from the budget for the next school …

Mukilteo School District and many other school districts in our state are experiencing significant budget concerns. There are several causes leading to this “perfect storm” of funding …

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